Saturday, February 15, 2020

International Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 18

International Business - Essay Example However, the company realized the fact that China would be one of the largest markets in near future. Hence, in 2006 it decided to set up a different home page in Chinese. The site is controlled and maintained by the Chinese employees who work in the company’s Shanghai and Beijing offices. The main challenge that Google faced was to meet up its users’ expectation while not violating the Chinese government’s rules regarding the content of politically sensitive issues. Google has been famous for providing all the relevant search results irrespective of the nature of the subject of search. As a result, when the company started its full-fledged operation in China, users expected that they could access to more information. However, Google had to abide by the Chinese rule and hence declared that the company would enable Chinese users to access â€Å"the greatest amount of information possible† (Henninger, 2006). The company was unable to provide the best informa tion regarding subjects like democratic reform, Falun Gong movement, Taiwanese independence and Tiananmen Square massacre. As a consequence, several experts especially the human rights activists showed their protest against the company. Google tried to manage the situation by saying that it is actually better to provide limited information rather than provide nothing. This was, though, not in alignment with the Google’s ethical values, but the company had to compromise in order to manage the legal challenges from the Chinese government. In this case of Google, Chinese government is the host government which has played significant role in limiting Google’s ability to provide information to its Chinese users. Chinese government has strong policy regarding the nature of information that is to be revealed to the people of the country. It has been very cautious so that the common Chinese people cannot gain insight into the

Sunday, February 2, 2020

21st Century Technology in Today's Classroom Essay

21st Century Technology in Today's Classroom - Essay Example Some of these reasons are pragmatic – e-learning helps ease congestion of crowded classrooms, while providing a means for those who might not have access to higher education, such as the disabled or people who live far from a university, the opportunity to gain a proper education. Other reasons are socially based, in that e-learning fosters a collaborative atmosphere where social skills are used and enhanced. E-learning offers advantages for instructors who want to use the tool as a way to reinforce concepts that are taught in the traditional lecture hall. While these are certainly advantages to e-learning, there are also potential pitfalls. The technology that this research proposal will center upon will be E-Learning. E-learning is, in a nutshell, a way for students to gain knowledge and competence by interacting with adults and peers in an on-line community (Kim & Bonk, 2002, p. 3). E-learning uses the process of collaborative learning, which â€Å"has the potential to foster interaction and social support lacking in traditional learning environments â€Å"(Kim & Bonk, 2002, p. 3). On-line learning also aids in reflective interaction, which is not encouraged in traditional classroom settings and also helps foster social interaction, which, in turn, helps build students critical thinking and perspective taking abilities (Kim & Bonk, 2002, p. 3). E-learning is important, as it distributes learning material and processes over the Internet, which can help ease the decongestion of overcrowded lecture halls, provide a way for students and teachers who live far from a university an avenue for teaching and learning, as wel l as enable specific groups of students, such as the disabled, a chance to gain an education (Ardito et al., 2006, p. 270). The principles of e-learning, and how students adapt to e-learning have a basis in educational theory in general. The learner-centered psychological principles state that there